Our Story

where it all began

Our journey began with a simple yet profound belief: every child deserves access to nutritious milk, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Cool Milk At School

Founded in 1998, we collaborate with schools and local authorities to provide free or subsidised milk to children in primary, infant, junior, and special schools.

Here’s what we offer
  • Free milk for under-fives
  • Subsidised milk for children aged 5-11
  • Handling of parent payments
  • Award-winning customer service
Cool Milk Limited

Founded in 2001, we partner with early years settings to provide free milk for children under five in pre-schools, nurseries, children’s centres, crèches, and similar establishments.

The scheme includes
  • Free milk for under-fives
  • Handling of milk claims
  • No waiting on reimbursement
  • Award-winning customer service
Close-up of Milk Against Blue Background
Have Some Questions?

We’ve Got Answers

Some of the Highlights
Local Dairies
Local Authorities
Years of Experience
Fresh & Delicious

At what Cost?

Working in


The School and Nursery Milk Alliance is a membership organisation representing the dairy industry and educational establishments. The SNMA wish to encourage further uptake of school and nursery milk, allowing more children to access the health benefits of a daily milk drink whilst supporting the dairy industry in the UK.