Register your pupils
for school milk
Registering your pupils for fresh, chilled school milk is simple. Just follow the two simple steps below to ensure your children enjoy the great benefits that school milk has to offer.

Download a registration spreadsheet
Download and complete our registration spreadsheet. It allows you to mark the days your nursery children do not attend school. By providing this information you will receive the correct amount of milk and not risk over claiming or being charged.
To register each child, you must provide the following information:
- First name
- Surname
- Date of birth
- Start date
- SPS status*
- Part-time/full-time status
* School Payment Scheme (SPS) relates to children whose milk is funded directly by the school
If returned without any of the above details we will not be able to process your spreadsheet.

Upload your registration spreadsheet
Once you’ve completed your registration spreadsheet, upload it to us at by 12pm on a Friday to ensure that children are added to your drinking list from a week on Monday.
- Please don’t include any children who are already registered with Cool Milk
- Populate ‘Y’ in the ‘SPS’ column only if your school wishes to fund a child’s milk directly once they turn 5. The cost of milk will be automatically charged to the school once that child turns 5 if you select this option. You are able to manage the SPS status of registered children via the drinker management page of your online account
- Please do not use the registration spreadsheet to add existing children to your SPS list or for class changes. Please use the Drinker Management option on your account home screen, or log in to your account to make these updates
- We can only accept your registrations via our downloadable registration spreadsheet – we are unable to accept registrations via any other format (Word documents, your own custom spreadsheets etc.)